Wednesday 23 June 2010

8:30-9:00 SAGE mission to Venus
L.W. Esposito
Sage_Esposito.pdf (pdf - 55.2 kb)

1Surface and interior

Conveners: S. Smrekar, C. Sotin, and J. Helbert 1

9:00-9:20 Exploring the surface of Venus in the laboratory and with VIRTIS on Venus Express
J. Helbert, N. Müller, S. Smrekar, A. Maturilli, G. Piccioni and P. Drossart
05-01_Helbert.pdf (pdf - 61.2 kb)

9:20:9:50 Alteration of crustal rocks under Venus surface conditions (invited)
A. Treiman
05-02_Treiman_inv.pdf (pdf - 97.6 kb)

9:50-10:10 Venus surface from the VMC night side imaging
E.V. Shalygin, D.V. Titov, A. T. Basilevsky, W.J. Markiewicz
05-03_Shalygin.pdf (pdf - 63.6 kb)

10:10-10:30 Surface Temperature Variation from VIRTIS Imaging
N. Mueller, J. Helbert, S. Smrekar, S. Erard, G. Piccioni, P. Drossart
05-04_Mueller.pdf (pdf - 60.2 kb)

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-11:30 An Overview of Venus Geology and Geophysics (invited)
S. Smrekar
05-05_Smrekar_inv.pdf (pdf - 72.8 kb)

11:30-11:50 CIDGA: Coupling of Interior Dynamic models with Global Atmosphere models
L. Noack , A.-C. Plesa and D. Breuer
05-06_Noack.pdf (pdf - 8.5 kb)

11:50-12:20 Discussion

12:30 Lunch

1Planetary evolution

Conveners: D. Grinspoon and E. Chassefière 1

14:00-14:30 Noble gas geochemistry of Venus and other terrestrial planets (invited)
R. Wieler
06-01_Wieler_inv.pdf (pdf - 61.5 kb)

14:30-14:50 The evolution of Venus: what can we learn from the European Venus Explorer mission?
E. Chassefière, C. Wilson and the EVE team
06-02_Chassefiere.pdf (pdf - 67 kb)

14:50-15:20 The early evolution of Venus controlled by hydrodynamic escape (invited)
C. Gillmann, E. Chassefière and P. Lognonné
06-03_Gillmann_inv.pdf (pdf - 11.7 kb)

15:20-15:40 “Super-Venus”: a 1D radiative-convective model of primitive Earth atmosphere
E. Marcq, E. Chassefière, F. Leblanc, H. Massol
06-04_Marcq.pdf (pdf - 26 kb)

15:40-16:10 Coffee break

1Comparative planetology

Conveners: H. Rauer and D. Grinspoon 1

16:10-16:40 Convective stresses and lithospheric faulting on Venus and exoplanets (invited)
C. Sotin, I.W. Bolliger, G. Schubert, S. Smrekar, H. Taylor
07-01_Sotin_inv.pdf (pdf - 59 kb)

16:40-17:10 Hot Spot Volcanism on Venus, Earth and Mars (invited)
S. Smrekar, E. Stofan, P. Martin, C. Sotin, N. Mueller, A. Trieman, L. Elkins-Tanton, J. Helbert, G. Piccioni, and P. Drossart
07-02_Smrekar_inv.pdf (pdf - 67.5 kb)

17:10-17:30 Ionospheric photoelectrons at Venus, Earth, Mars & Titan
A.J. Coates, S.M.E. Tsang, A. Wellbrock, R.A. Frahm J.D. Winningham, S. Barabash, R. Lundin, D.T. Young and F.J. Crary
07-03_Coates.pdf (pdf - 71.5 kb)

17:30-17:50 Earth observations from VIRTIS on Venus Express
G. Piccioni, R. Politi, F. Nuccilli, P. Drossart and the VIRTIS-Venus Express Team
07-04_Piccioni.pdf (pdf - 61 kb)

17:50-17:55 Poster presentation

Analysing Chemical Pathways in Planetary Atmospheres
J. L. Grenfell, J. Stock R. Lehmann and H. Rauer
07-05_Grenfell_poster.pdf (pdf - 59.1 kb)

17:55-18:25 Discussion (on previous two sessions)