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Full registration

Full registration will start around April 25. All pre-registered participants will receive an email indicating where to register, with on-line payment ofr registration fees.

The registration fee for all participants is 375€.

Note that this includes hotel room and meals for the whole week, arriving Sunday afternoon (June 20) and leaving Saturday morning (June 26). No further discounts will be given in case of shorter stay. There is the possibility to have an accompanying person for a partial stay (from 1 to 6 days) at a cost of 71€/day. It will be necessary to make the payment with the registration.

Two participants can share the same room (no reduction, sorry!) - a message has to be given during the registration step to allow for this possibility.

As soon as you receive an email inviting you to register (and not before!) you can enter in the registration page following this link:


Here you enter the following information:

  • last name (e.g. Einstein)
  • first name (e.g. Albert)
  • email (e.g. Albert.Einstein

This must be identical to the pre-registered information to allow you to enter in the system. In case of problem, you will receive the following message :

"There’s no registration which corresponds with those information."

In this case, please contact the scientific contact (see home page) to check your pre-registration information.